The District Autism Team was created to assess our district’s strengths and weaknesses related to serving students with autism and provide resources and training to staff, parents, and community members. In addition to these services, we have staff members who have been trained to use a multi-disciplinary team approach to make recommendations on placement, instructional needs, and intervention strategies that may benefit students on the autism spectrum (both those who are identified or who are suspected to be on the spectrum).
Our team is trained to identify instructional needs to meet a child’s communication, behavioral, sensory, academic, social, and adaptive needs and make recommendations for a successful classroom environment. We are able to support teachers in the development of accommodations and modifications for students with ASD and assist in the facilitation and development of an individualized action plan.
What is an autism spectrum disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorders, or ASD is a neurological disorder that affects how a person thinks, communicates, and interacts with others. In order for a person to be diagnosed with ASD, specific characteristics of impairment in social interaction, communication, and restricted or repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities must have occurred before the age of 3.It is important to know that ASD is a spectrum disorder which includes classic autism (more severe) to high functioning autism.
In 2014, the CDC estimates 1 in 68 affected by ASD and is almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls (1 in 189) (CDC, 2014). Early intervention is key! If you know of a child who may need additional supports due to an autism spectrum diagnosis or who have display behaviors related to autism, or if you would simply like additional information about our district autism team, please contact the Student Services Office at 419-673-0775.

To make a referral to the Autism Team, please complete a referral form.

The Kenton City Schools Assistive Technology team was created to provide services related to AT devices, problem solve and consider the needs of students, and make appropriate recommendations based on individual needs. Our team is trained to conduct and lead decisions using a problem solving tool called, the SETT process. This consideration framework is designed to assist in the development of student based needs and provide specific tools necessary for students to succeed in academic environments. Currently, the team consists of a school psychologist, administrators, general education teachers, intervention specialists, speech language pathologists, and occupational therapists at all levels of education.
What is assistive technology?
Assistive technology are tools that enable an individual to perform tasks and gain more independence. They can range from activities of daily living tools, communication, computer access, reading, math, mobility, organization, seating, etc.
If you know of a child who may need additional supports, or if you would simply like additional information about our assistive technology team, please contact the Student Services Office at 419-673-0775.