
Head Baseball Coach Opening

JOB POSTING September 26, 2022  SUPPLEMENTAL OPENINGS FOR 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR  SPRING:  HEAD VARSITY BASEBALL COACH  This position requires employees to: Display flexibility, reliability, self-discipline and a willingness to take on challenging tasks. Manage/help manage the effective delivery/advancement of program activities, and develop and maintain positive relationships with students and parents; Facilitate and manage the development

Kenton Boys Golf Team compete in league tourney

Wildcats finish their WBL season scoring a 373. Landon Plaugher carded a (91) at the 2022 WBL tournament followed by Grady Baum (92), Stone Sauber and Klayton Schlegel both finished with (95) each. Plaugher was selected for honorable mention in the WBL.

School safety – Super Scoop

We’ve had a great start to this school year with both students and staff enjoying the excitement of learning. Along with the excitement, a new school year also provides the opportunity to reflect on priorities and ensure we are putting … Read th...

Students visit local pumpkin patch

Kenton Elementary School students visited Althauser’s Pumpkin Patch in Kenton this week. Students learned about apples, bees, and the pumpkin life cycle. Students had the opportunity to press and taste their own apple cider, taste local honey, an...

Homecoming bonfire held

Kenton High School continued in its tradition of holding a Homecoming bonfire to celebrate seniors. The bonfire is held “under the lights” at Robinson Field and features performances by the Kenton High School Marching band and cheerlead...

KMS Power of the Pen presents to school board

Quintin England, Trevor Roesner, Tasha Heydinger, Kaylee Thomas, Katie Lowe, Mandalee Dyer, Gabe Davidson, Gaia Smith, Advisor Tina Hull. Back (L to R) Brandon Ledley, Doug Carmean, Rodney Hensel, Justin Dick Students from Kenton Middle School showe...

Precautionary lockdown statement

Kenton City Schools Superintendent Chad Thrush released the following statement to parents regarding the precautionary lockdown in the district. The Kenton Police Department notified the district that a domestic disturbance took place within the cit...

Homecoming court announced

From left to right, standing: Freshman attendant Kylyne Anspach, Sophomore attendant Ruby Styer, Junior attendant Emily Pees. Sitting: Senior attendants Kendyl Gibson, Riley Hunt and Abi Temple. Kenton High School students have elected six individua...