Homecoming Court Announced
Seated: Seniors Brynn Butler, Emily Pees, Chloe Pleasant, Haylee Wise Standing: Freshman Emilie Stephens, Junior Avery Bridenstine, Sophomore Emori Criner
Bird Beak Science
Today we explored how different bird beans are adapted for their different diets. We went to seven different stations that modeled how a certain type of bird uses its beak to eat. It was a fun day to explore!
2003 State Runners-Up To Be Recognized
This season marks the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Div III Football State Runners-Up Wildcat Football team. The team will be recognized at this Friday’s Homecoming Football game. Members of the team that are attending are asked to meet in the grass parking lot behind the home stands of Robinson Field at 5:30pm to depart
Kenton High School Slates Homecoming Activities
There is great excitement surrounding this year’s Kenton High School Homecoming, planned to begin September 18th. In addition to planned special themed dress each day, Kenton High School will hold our traditional bonfire on Wednesday, September 20th at...
KCS BOEAgenda for September 18, 2023
Kenton City Schools Board of Education Agenda for September 18, 2023.
STEM Chains
Students worked on learning to collaborate with their group in STEM class with Ms. Boone this week. They were given one piece of construction paper, tape and scissors to create the longest chain. We compared the most successful one from… Read the rest
MS/HS Construction
Aerial picture of the progress to date on our new MS/HS. Rough grading is complete, main water line installed, storm drains going in, and footers scheduled to start in 2 weeks. Exciting time to be a wildcat!
Kenton City Schools will be on a two-hour delay Thursday, September 14th, 2023 due to weather.
Kenton City Schools will be on a two-hour delay Thursday, September 14th, 2023 due to weather.
KES Student Represents Hardin County in Special Olympics
Yakob Esaleh represented Hardin County in the Equestrian games for Special Olympics.
He placed 2nd in showmanship and 3rd in trail. This was his first ever competing and was the youngest exhibitor. Yakob does therapy through discovery riders ...
All About Me
Students in Mr. Reed's 6th grade class worked on creating presentations that introduced themselves to their peers. Upon completion, they presented to their peers. It was really neat to see their personalities shine through. Here are some pictures from their… Read the rest