
Pride in KCS Facilities

It’s hard to believe that nearly 900 students eat lunch here every day! Thank you to our amazing team at KES for keeping the cafeteria clean and ready for the next group using this space. Go Cats!

KMS Town Hall

KMS held the first Town Hall Meetings of the year. Students and staff were recognized by their peers for leadership and character. Some students participated in games and some teachers participated in a dance party to celebrate the first quarter.
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NJHS Induction

The KMS National Junior Honor Society inducted its new members tonight. These students have demonstrated Leadership, Service, Character, Scholarship and Citizenship. Thanks for helping make KMS great and congratulations!

Division of Labor

Today in Social Studies, we talked about division of labor. We did a little experiment to see if it really worked/ our table groups were converted into a bookmark factory. Employees were to create bookmarks that fit a certain criteria.
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Thank you Cafe Staff

C-pod Crafts with Care and STEM Building Club decided to thank our wonderful food service staff for their service learning project. Thank you for feeding and keeping KES healthy!

Veterans Day

Kenton High School Band, Lieutenant Colonel Fournier,  JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team visited KES to honor Veterans Day. KES would like to say thank you to those who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces.