
KMS Students Visit KES

KMS students in the Big Brothers Big Sisters club came to KES today to teach a lesson to the kindergarten and first grade students.  The lesson revolved around Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for this year.  The KES students… Read the rest

Thanking Those Who Serve

In conjunction with Veterans Day, KMS students wrote letters to those currently serving. The letters will be added to the holiday care packages sent out by the Blue Star Mothers of America, Hardin County.

What is PBIS?

PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. It is an evidence-based set of ideas and tools used in schools to promote/improve student behaviors. Pictured below are members of Mr. McCullough’s and Mr. Reichelderfer’s classes who earned the reward of
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Sensory Spaces at KES: Part 1

This week, we want to highlight some of the creative educational spaces created at Kenton Elementary School. Pictured below is the sensory walk space that is located between C and D Pods. Students are able to burn some energy by
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