Cloud Study
Students in Mrs. Ketcham’s 7th grade science classes have been studying the atmosphere, weather and clouds. Partners created information diagrams of the different cloud types, which are displayed in the back hallway.
Musical is almost here!
If the whole musical is anything like the one song performed at the board meeting tonight….we’re all in for a treat. Incredibly talented students! -Mr. Thrush
BOE Meeting Agenda for Nov. 27, 2023
BOE Meeting Agenda for Nov. 27, 2023.
Job Opening for 2023-2024 Educational Assistant/Bus Aide at Kenton Middle School
Proper certification required.
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training.
Ability to lift and use restraint if needed.
Performs classroom support services as a collaborative member of the educational team to help students benefit from re...
5th Grade Trumpets
These students just started playing their trumpets a few months ago and are prepping for their first Christmas Concert 🎅🎄
Meet the Kenton City Schools Related Services Team

Related Services are the developmental, corrective, and other supportive services that are required to assist a child with a disability. This could include speech-language pathology, audiology, interpreting services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, and more. Kenton City Schools is… Read the rest
KHS Musical
Cast members of the Kenton High School Musical help spread the word around town of their upcoming performance "White Christmas" December 7th-10th. Don't miss it!
KHS Band at the Christmas Parade
Alumni Hall of Fame Nominations Sought
Nominations are being sought for membership in the Kenton City Schools Alumni Hall of Fame. Applications are due March 1, 2024. Candidates must be Kenton High School graduates, have been out of high school a minimum of ten years, and … Read the rest
Zones of Regulation
Regulation is something everyone continually works on whether we are aware of it or not. We all encounter trying circumstances that can test our limits. If we can recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do … Read the rest