Preschool clubs- Green Eggs and Ham
We read Green Eggs and Ham and got to taste them today during our clubs!! Almost all kids tried them and most liked at least the eggs or the ham ☺️ so fun!

What is Step Up To Quality?
8th Grade Ag Day
Today, we hosted our 8th Grade Ag Day. 8th graders came through the high school today and visited different programs and spoke with the high schoolers about their futures. We had an awesome group of helpers today, and a few
… Read the rest 4H presentation today
Amanda Raines from 4-H came today to tell us all about the local 4H clubs! Look for information coming home with your child today!
Hardin County Superintendents Letter to the Editor & Informational Meeting
KCS Parents/Guardians,
You may have seen the attached letter to the editor from the Hardin County Superintendents in The Kenton Times on Saturday. If not, please take a moment to read the letter and review the attached flyer inviting you
… Read the rest Senior Community Spring Brunch
Saturday, March 23rd - The National Junior Honor Society is hosting a senior spring brunch at Bostleman’s Gym. Please invite your favorite senior community members to attend and RSVP.
Note - Only the members of the NJHS service committee are … Read the rest
Note - Only the members of the NJHS service committee are … Read the rest
Read Across America Week
This week is Read Across America Week becausew it was Dr. Seuss's Birthday on March 2nd. Monday's theme was "I'm Not Going To Get Up Today" and students and staff wore pajamas to celebrate! Teachers rotated to different kindergarten classrooms… Read the rest
KMS March Newsletter
Job Opening Administrative Assistant Board Office/Student Services & Curriculum
208 day calendar.
Pay and benefits commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Performs confidential secretarial and ancillary duties that facilitate the timely attainment of district objectives. Keeps informed about program/procedure chan...
KHS Students Attend the Bluffton English Festival
A group of Kenton High School students recently attended the Bluffton English Festival at Bluffton University with Mrs. Harshfield. The day's events featured an invigorating mix of impromptu writing, college level discussions, and sessions with the guest author Maurice Broaddus. … Read the rest