Job Opening Cafeteria I at Kenton Middle School for 2024-2025
Qualifications – The qualifications for this position are listed in the job description. Essential qualifications include the following:
Displays flexibility, reliability, self-discipline and a willingness to take on challenging t...
8th Grade Career Speakers
On Friday, the 8th graders at KMS were able to hear from a number of community members that came to share information about their career. KMS thanks the following people for taking the time to come and share with our… Read the rest
All American Volley Ball Camps for incoming 7th graders
Incoming 7th graders have the opportunity to participate in All American Volleyball Camps this summer at Kenton High School on July 29 & 30 from 3:30-5:30. Please contact Coach Juli Dearing at [email protected]
All payment and registration forms are due… Read the rest
All payment and registration forms are due… Read the rest
3rd Graders visit Kenton-OHP FFA Ag Day

Super Heros visit KES

Wonder Woman and Bat Girl visited Kenton Elementary School on May 7th. The HEROs reminded everyone to be a HERO, not a bully. HERO stands for Helping Everyone Respect Others. Students were invited to wear a superhero or red shirt… Read the rest
Cat Card Picnic
Kenton High School celebrated the end of the school year with our annual Cat Card Picnic. This event is for any student who has received a Cat Card this school year, based on attendance and grades. Over 100 students enjoyed… Read the rest
KHS Students Beautify School
Students from Kenton High School took their advisory time on Monday to plant over 400 flowers to ensure KHS is dressed in its best for the summer season. Mrs. Cochensparger's Garden Club coordinated the beautification project.
KHS Conservation Class Receives Inaugural Ohio State Trapper’s Association Grant

L to R: KHS Conservation Teacher Chuck Moore, Dakota Freshcorn, Haedynn Brown, Harrison Brien, Bill Davis (Director, OSTA,) Gracey Steele, Karley Heydinger, Caitlin Definbaugh, and Brailyn Thacker.
Students from the KHS Conservation Classes accept grant funds from the Ohio State… Read the rest
Health Science Students Pot flowers with Blanchard Place residents
HOSA students went to The Blanchard Place and potted flowers for the residents to keep. After getting their hands dirty the residents and students played a couple rounds of Uno together.
KHS Students Collect Supplies for Kenton Nursing and Rehab