Job Opening 5th Grade ELA Teacher at Kenton Elementary School for 2024-2025
Proper certification required. 4-9, PK-5 or 1-8 certification.
BCI/FBI check.
Maintain a thorough understanding of 5th grade subject matter, pedagogy. Organizes subject content and learning goals.
Integrates technology into the curriculum....
Job Opening 1st Grade Teacher at Kenton Elementary School for 2024-2025
Proper certification required. P-3, PK-5 or 1-8 certification.
BCI/FBI check
Maintain a thorough understanding of 1st grade subject matter, pedagogy. Organizes subject content and learning goals.
Integrates technology into the curriculum.
FinalForms/Sports Physicals Reminder
Now is the time to complete FinalForms registrations for the 2024-25 school year. Please select the sports the student plans to participate in during the 2024-25 school year.
Also, a reminder that a valid physical (completed on the OHSAA physical form)...
No Activity Week Reminder 6/30 – 7/7
The Kenton Athletic Department and Kenton City Schools will observe a “No-Activity” period beginning on Sunday, June 30th and running through Sunday, July 7th.
Please enjoy this time off from school activities! Normal activities may resume on Monday, July 8th.… Read the rest
KCS BOE Agenda for June 17, 2024
KCS BOE Agenda for June 17, 2024
Wildcat 5K Registration
Wildcat 5K
& Alumni Run
The Kenton Cross Country Program is hosting a 5K on July 27th at 8:30am.
The Kenton Cross Country Program is hosting a 5K on July 27th at 8:30am.
Location: Kenton High School
Open 5K Registration: $25 (Non-Alumni Registration)
Kenton XC Alumni (or current Kenton XC runners) Registration: Free or
… Read the rest Summer Meal Pickups – UPDATE for Monday June 17
Dear Families -
Due to the forecasted severe heat index for Monday, Kenton City Schools' Summer Lunch Program is adjusting its pickup times to keep staff and the community safe for the June 17th pickup only. A week's worth of … Read the rest
Due to the forecasted severe heat index for Monday, Kenton City Schools' Summer Lunch Program is adjusting its pickup times to keep staff and the community safe for the June 17th pickup only. A week's worth of … Read the rest
Job Opening Intervention Specialist at Kenton Middle School for 2024-2025
Proper certification required. Intervention Specialist K-12 license.
BCI/FBI check
CPI trained.
Writing Individualized Education Program (IEP). Conducting IEP meetings.
Attends training and meetings as req...
Job Opening Literacy Coach at Kenton Elementary School for 2024-2025
Essential qualifications include the following:
Proper certification required. 1-8, 4-9, or PK-12 teaching license.
Develop and monitor all KCS RIMPS
Responsible for all ...
Job Opening Kindergarten teacher at Kenton Elementary School for 2024-2025
Proper certification required. P-3, PK-5 certification.
BCI/FBI check
Maintain a thorough understanding of Kindergarten subject matter, pedagogy. Organizes subject ...