Remote Learning Day Procedures

Kenton Elementary School

Virtual School Hours 10:00-3:00

  • Students will have a virtual morning meeting at 10:00 AM with their homeroom teacher on Google Classroom to receive the schedule of the day.
    • Assignments for the day will be posted on Google Classroom
  • Specials (art, PE, music, tech, stem, library and band) classes will not be live. Assignments will be posted on Google Classroom
  • Teachers will have office hours from 2:00-3:00
  • Students who are unable to attend live lessons will be given a week to complete the day’s assignments.
  • Kindergarten and Preschool students are exempt from online learning. Students will be sent home with paper packets. If they are absent, the students will make the assignments up when they return to school.

Kenton Middle School

Remote instruction will start at 10:00 and end at 2:30 following the schedule below. 

Block Start

During each class time students will need to log into that teacher’s google classroom. There will be a live instructional session or an assignment to complete. Attendance will be taken by the class period. To ensure participation and quality instruction, students will be required to have their camera on and be visible during the Google Meet in order to be considered present. Teachers will have Google Meet open during the entire class period to answer questions and provide additional instruction.

Teachers will be available from 2:30-3:00 for office hours.

Kenton High School


Students will be expected to log on to a Google Meet with their teacher during their respective class period. Teachers will take attendance and give directions and/or instruction to students during that time.

To ensure participation and quality instruction, students will be required to have their camera on and be visible during the Google Meet in order to be considered present. Teachers will have Google Meet open during the entire class period to answer questions and provide additional instruction.

In the event your student can’t be present, please call the school or email Mr. Blue and/or Mr. Jones. School phone number: 419-673-1286. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]   

Period Schedule

Period 110:00 – 10:25
Period 210:30 – 10:55
Period 311:00 – 11:25
Period 411:30 – 11:55
Lunch11:55 – 12:25
Period 512:30 – 12:55
Period 61:00 – 1:25
Period 71:30 – 1:55
Period 82:00 – 2:25
Teacher Plan

Student Conferences (If needed)

Students travel to practice and/or games (weather/road conditions permitting).

Scheduled  practices and games will be determined by the superintendent,
principal and athletic director.  
2:30 – 3:05