Kenton Middle School
Cloud Study
Students in Mrs. Ketcham’s 7th grade science classes have been studying the atmosphere, weather and clouds. Partners created information diagrams of the different cloud types, which are displayed in the back hallway.
KHS Musical
Cast members of the Kenton High School Musical help spread the word around town of their upcoming performance "White Christmas" December 7th-10th. Don't miss it!
KHS Band at the Christmas Parade
Zones of Regulation
Regulation is something everyone continually works on whether we are aware of it or not. We all encounter trying circumstances that can test our limits. If we can recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do … Read the rest
The Power of a Powerful Mindset
When students are treated like superheroes, they’re capable of achieving superhuman goals. At Kenton City Schools, we believe that all students have superpowers, and our goal is to empower each and every student to discover their own unique superpower. Within
… Read the rest Skinny’s Tavern Holds Dine to Donate for Student Lunch Debt
Kenton City Schools is saying "Thank You" to Skinny's Tavern in Kenton. The restaurant recently held a "Dine to Donate" event where a percentage of proceeds were donated to a fund designed to alleviate student lunch debt.
"We don't ever… Read the rest
"We don't ever… Read the rest
Leadership Summit
Part of the KMS Student Lighthouse Team attended the Green MS Leadership Summit today. They collaborated with students from other schools focusing on leadership, putting the 7 Habits into practice and sharing ideas of how to improve KMS.
Sensory Spaces at KES: Part 3
At Kenton Elementary School, we are very proud of the sensory spaces that have been created. The Sensory Room is a separate space to serve students in a variety of ways. Students can earn time in the sensory room, complete
… Read the rest Thanking Those Who Serve
In conjunction with Veterans Day, KMS students wrote letters to those currently serving. The letters will be added to the holiday care packages sent out by the Blue Star Mothers of America, Hardin County.
Sensory Spaces at KES: Part 2
Created and cared for by Occupational Therapist, Mrs. Hammer, the sensory path is located in the ELA of A Pod. This space allows students to work on motor skills or simply to take a brain break. Mrs. Hammer alters the
… Read the rest