Kenton Middle School

KMS Kindness Shirt Sale

Congratulations to Anden Goldsmith, Evan Rall and Zane Styer for winning the Kindness Week shirt design contest! Orders will be accepted at KMS until March 27. Checks need to be made out to Shane's Shirts.

Seeking Input

Dear Families:

We are asking you to complete the Leader In Me MRA for KMS this year. We want your valuable feedback on how KMS ranks in Leadership, Culture, and Academics. Please follow the link below to complete the survey.
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Senior Community Spring Brunch

Saturday, March 23rd - The National Junior Honor Society is hosting a senior spring brunch at Bostleman’s Gym. Please invite your favorite senior community members to attend and RSVP.

Note - Only the members of the NJHS service committee are Read the rest

Pysanky egg activity

In class last Friday students created a Pysanky egg design with a partner. Pysanky is a type of Ukrainian egg decorating technique that highlights the mathematical concept of reflections. Each student started by decorating the top half of an Read the rest