Kenton Middle School

Pysanky egg activity

In class last Friday students created a Pysanky egg design with a partner. Pysanky is a type of Ukrainian egg decorating technique that highlights the mathematical concept of reflections. Each student started by decorating the top half of an Read the rest

DC Raffle Results

The 8th Grade DC Raffle was held on Friday, 12/15.  All winners have been notified by phone.  

The 8th grade team would like to thank all of those that supported or students by purchasing a ticket.  

Also, a huge thanks… Read the rest

Bell Ringers

KMS National Junior Honor Society students are helping ring the bell today. Thanks to everyone who volunteered, including Lindsey Winings and Geneva Norris.

Musical This Weekend

Make sure to come watch our High School Musical this weekend. White Christmas is a fun and entertaining show, and the students do a great job!