Kenton Middle School
KMS National Junior Honor Society rings bell for community
The Kenton Middle School Junior Honor Society helped the Hardin County Salvation Army by ringing the bells at Walmart the past two Saturdays. They helped raise $1,076.76.
KES, KMS choir concert
I was so impressed by our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choirs at their combined concert this week. I could tell that everyone has worked hard on their songs! I’m officially in the Christmas spirit! -Mr. Thrush
8th Grade students hear from businesses on career day
On Friday, November 18th, the 8th graders at KMS enjoyed the opportunity to hear a number of community members speak about a variety of careers. The speakers shared what they liked about their profess...
KMS hosts Veteran’s Day activities
Kenton Middle School students welcomed US Army Airborne veteran Chad Smith who shared his experiences in the US military. Kenton Middle School trumpet players Mason Reffner and Kylee Kavanaugh played taps throughout the halls of the school.
Terrence Talley shares hope, support with KCS students
KES students hug their teachers after hearing Terrence Talley’s message of support and “having their back.”
Talley receives thanks from KES students after an assembly.
Terrence Talley speaks to Middle School students on Tuesda...
KMS students live novel themes
Last week, some of Mrs. Hull’s 7th-grade students dressed up as greasers or socs (short for socials) from S.E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders. Students have talked extensively about some of the book’s themes, which include: “Figh...
Students in grades 7-12 taking state survey
Your child’s school will offer the Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey, or OHYES! on Monday, November 7th. This letter answers some basic questions about the survey’s purpose, content, and administration.
The survey can be viewed here.
7th Grade Students perform stories
Mrs. Hull’s 7th graders performed the opening scene of Romeo & Juliet to understand the fued between the Capulet & Montague families. Students compared and contrasted this quarrel with that of the greasers and socs, two social gangs in thei...
KMS Power of the Pen presents to school board
Quintin England, Trevor Roesner, Tasha Heydinger, Kaylee Thomas, Katie Lowe, Mandalee Dyer, Gabe Davidson, Gaia Smith, Advisor Tina Hull. Back (L to R) Brandon Ledley, Doug Carmean, Rodney Hensel, Justin Dick
Students from Kenton Middle School showe...
Free health care coverage eligibility
Families with children eligible for school meals may be eligible for free health care coverage through Medicaidand/or Ohio’s Healthy Start & Healthy Families programs. These programs include coverage for doctor visits, immunizations,physicals, pres...