Job Opening Custodian 2nd shift at Kenton Elementary School for 2023-2024
Qualifications – The qualifications for this position are listed in the job description. Essential qualifications include the following:
Works effectively with minimal supervision. Cleans and is on duty in assigned areas. Pr...
Job Opening 4th grade Math/Science teacher at Kenton Elementary School for 2024-2025
Proper certification required. 4-9, PK-5 or 1-8 certification.
BCI/FBI check.
Maintain a thorough understanding of 4th grade subject matter, pedagogy. Organizes subject content and learning goals.
Integrates technology into the cu...
Job Opening for 2023-2024 Educational Assistant at Kenton Elementary School
The qualifications for this position are listed in the job description. Essential qualifications include the following:
Proper certification required. BCI/FBI check.
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training.
Ability to lift and use re...
Supplemental opening KHS Assistant Softball Coach for 2023-2024
This position requires employees to:
· Display flexibility, reliability, self-discipline and a willingness to take on challenging tasks.
· Manage/help manage the effective delivery/advancement of program activities, and develop and ma...
Job Posting Ohio Hi-Point JVS Business Education teacher at Kenton High School for 2024-2025
POSITION: Business Education Satellite Instructor, Kenton High SchoolREPORTS TO: Career Tech SupervisorSTARTING DATE: July 2024SALARY RANGE: Based upon years of experience in education or industry and highest level of educational attainment based o...
Job Posting Ohio Hi-Point JVS Agriculture Education Teacher at Kenton High School for 2024-2025
POSITION: Agriculture Education Satellite Instructor, Kenton High SchoolREPORTS TO: Career Tech SupervisorSTARTING DATE: July 2024SALARY RANGE: Based upon years of experience in education or industry and highest level of educational attainment base...
BOE Meeting Agenda for Jan 11, 2024
BOE Meeting Agenda for Jan 11, 2024
Reorganizational Agenda
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

8 Strikes in a Row!
Kenton boys bowling team lights up their lane for 8 strikes in a row during today’s Holiday Baker Tournament. The accompanying picture is not that great, but it evidences the 8 strikes in a row by all the teammates.
Blanket Fundraiser Update
From Mr Dudek:
The blankets have just arrived!!!!
For those that are able, we will have a table set up at the Boy's basketball game in front of the high school office for pickup starting at 5 tonight!!
If you
… Read the rest The blankets have just arrived!!!!
For those that are able, we will have a table set up at the Boy's basketball game in front of the high school office for pickup starting at 5 tonight!!
If you