Kolt Buchenroth

Kolt Buchenroth

Homecoming bonfire held

Kenton High School continued in its tradition of holding a Homecoming bonfire to celebrate seniors. The bonfire is held “under the lights” at Robinson Field and features performances by the Kenton High School Marching band and cheerlead...

Homecoming court announced

From left to right, standing: Freshman attendant Kylyne Anspach, Sophomore attendant Ruby Styer, Junior attendant Emily Pees. Sitting: Senior attendants Kendyl Gibson, Riley Hunt and Abi Temple. Kenton High School students have elected six individua...

KHS slates homecoming activities

Members of the Kenton High School Marching Band pump up the student crowd at the 2021 Homecoming pep rally. There is great excitement surrounding the Kenton High School Homecoming planned to begin September 19th. In addition to a planned special &he...

Schaub hired as Educational Assistant

Elaina Schaub graduated from Kenton High School in 2018 and will become a Wildcat again to serve as an Educational Assistant at Kenton Middle School. She enjoys working with students of all ages and is excited to become a staff … Read the rest

New school draft floor plan released

A virtual tour of the latest draft of a floor plan for the new MS/HS has been developed and can be found online at go.kcs.me/newschool. A survey has also been developed for anyone who would like to provide feedback … Read the rest