Red Ribbon Week – Door Decorating
Last week was Red Ribbon Week at KMS. One of the coolest parts of the week is seeing the creativity of the doors that are decorated. Guest judges come in and select winning doors. The winning activity period class received… Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week – “Dress up, Don’t mess up, stay drug free”
Last Friday, KMS celebrated Red Ribbon Week by wearing Halloween costumes; “Dress up, Don’t mess up, stay drug free”
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment… Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment… Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week – “Wake up Drug Free”
Last Wednesday, KMS celebrated Red Ribbon Week by wearing pajamas for “Wake up Drug Free” day.
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment of saying “NO”… Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment of saying “NO”… Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week – “Put a Cap On Drugs”
Last Tuesday, KMS celebrated Red Ribbon Week by wearing hats for “Put a Cap On Drugs” day.
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment of saying … Read the rest
Red Ribbon Week – “Use your Head, Wear RED”
Last Monday, KMS celebrated Red Ribbon Week by wearing red; “Use your Head, Wear RED”
Red Ribbon Week is used as a way of taking a stand for our hopes and dreams through making a commitment of saying “NO” to… Read the rest
Essay Contest Winners
KMS celebrated Red Ribbon Week last week. Students wrote essays describing their “natural high” and Lila, Lorelai, Emalyn, and Cloey wrote the top essays! Way to go!
CT Class Skimmers
Students in Mr. Manns’ Career Tech class have been working on Design and Modeling Projects. They created skimmers and are in the process of having a completion to see who will travel the farthest down the hallway.
Red Ribbon Week Banner
It is Red Ribbon Week at KMS. Seventh grade students created a Halloween themed banner for their peers to sign, pledging to be drug and bully free.
Leadership Club Field Trip
KMS students in the Crafts Leadership Club visited the Council on Aging today. They played games, read stories, completed puzzles and shared candy.
KMS Science Projects
Students in Mrs. Ketcham‘s seventh grade science classes have been studying the atmosphere and the water cycle. They created diagrams which are being displayed in the east hallway outside her classroom.