KMS Students Visit KES
KMS students in the Big Brothers Big Sisters club came to KES today to teach a lesson to the kindergarten and first grade students. The lesson revolved around Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for this year. The KES students… Read the rest
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Kindergarten students in Ms. Kimmel's class learn that Goldilocks and the Three Bears is fiction or "make-believe" story. The students were able to explain it is fiction because the bears in the story act like people - eating food, sitting… Read the rest
Division of Labor
Today in Social Studies, we talked about division of labor. We did a little experiment to see if it really worked/ our table groups were converted into a bookmark factory. Employees were to create bookmarks that fit a certain criteria.
… Read the rest Bounce House Celebration
Thank you Hensel Ready Mix for sponsoring the Bounce House for our Kindergarten Celebration! The kids had so much fun!
Thank you Cafe Staff
C-pod Crafts with Care and STEM Building Club decided to thank our wonderful food service staff for their service learning project. Thank you for feeding and keeping KES healthy!
KHS Athletic Director Earns Top Honors
Kenton High School Athletic Director Brett Purcell has been named the Bruce Brown Award of Excellence from the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. This award is the highest honor an athletic director can achieve in the state of Ohio.… Read the rest
Veterans Day
Kenton High School Band, Lieutenant Colonel Fournier, JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team visited KES to honor Veterans Day. KES would like to say thank you to those who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces.
1st and 2nd Grade Town Hall Meetings
The first and second grade lighthouse team members led their grade-level town hall meetings today. They did a great job presenting awards, sharing birthdays, and sharing WIG totals.
Special Veterans Day Song
Third grade student, Peyton Miller, feels so strongly about honoring our veterans that she wrote and performed a Veterans Day song to the entire 3rd through 6th grade student body during our Veterans Day Assembly. Way to share your genius, … Read the rest
Preschool Club Day!
The preschool staff sharing their "genius" with the preschool students!
Mrs. Yankee with the Arts & Crafts Club making snow globes. Magical!
Ms. Numbers with the Science Club making ice cream in a bag! YUM!
Mrs. Yankee with the Arts & Crafts Club making snow globes. Magical!