Sprucing up the Entrance!
Substitute Custodians & Bus Drivers Needed
Kenton City Schools needs Substitute Bus Drivers and Custodians. Substitute custodians are needed for both 1st and 2nd shifts, offer flexible scheduling, and start at $17.57/hour. Substitute bus drivers start at $17.87/hour with flexible scheduling. Opportunities to drive trips with… Read the rest
October Leadership Award
October Leadership Award
Addison Beach, Lucy Kalb, Remy Bowman, Lucy Dalton, Reed McCullough, Landry Guenther, Claire Routt, Makayla Beechy, Myla McCullough, Brook Shough, Christian Petitt, Angel Santiago-Hernandez, Adlee Whitaker, Liam Shoda, Allison Godwin, Zoey Turner, Payton Stansberry, Gatlin Bordner, Trace … Read the rest
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Pumpkins! Bees! Apples! So much to learn about on Mr. Althauser's Farm. A special thanks to Mr. Althauser for planting pumpkins just for our first grade students. The students explored the pumpkin patch, walked through the corn to look for… Read the rest
Kenton Future Health Professionals hosting BBQ Dinner Fundraiser

Kenton High School's HOSA - Futurre Health Professionals chapter is hosting a BBQ Dinner Fundraiser Friday, October 4th in the Kenton High School Parking Lot in advance of the football game against Wapakoneta. Dinner will be served by Moore than… Read the rest
KHS Conservation Class Awarded Grant Funds

Class of 2024 announce Enrolled, Enlisted, Employed status, sign letters of intent

In cooperation with Ohio Means Jobs Hardin County, on Wednesday, May 15th Kenton High School Seniors signed their "E" Certificates. This signing established their intent after high school of either Enlisting in the Military, Enrolling into college, or joining the
… Read the rest Super Heros visit KES

Wonder Woman and Bat Girl visited Kenton Elementary School on May 7th. The HEROs reminded everyone to be a HERO, not a bully. HERO stands for Helping Everyone Respect Others. Students were invited to wear a superhero or red shirt… Read the rest
First Grade Field House
The first grade students enjoyed a fun day at the KCS Athletic Building on Tuesday. The students had a chance to participate in many games and activites. The day concluded with a tug of war battle amoungst the classes. Mrs.… Read the rest
Wildcats Helping Lakers: KES students assist in Indian Lake Tornado Cleanup